Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami acting Ameer professor Mujibur Rahman said, “People will not leave the streets until the demand of caretaker government during election is met. They will also run their movement for the establishment of vote and rice rights.”
He today said these as the chief guest at a meeting in the capital. Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Dhaka City North arranged this discussion meeting as the part of central program protesting the barricade of peaceful mass procession of Jamaat and demanding the restoration of democracy, 10 point- demands, unconditional release of all leaders and activists including Ameer-e-Jamaat. Jamaat Dhaka City North Ameer and member of central executive council Mohammad Selim Uddin presided over the meeting. Secretary and member of central working committee Dr. Muhammad Rezaul Karim conducted it. Nazim Uddin, member of central Mojlish-e-Shura and assistant secretary of Jamaat Dhaka City North, Dr Fakharuddin Manik and others were also president in the discussion meeting.
“Some high ambitious army officers led by Moin-u- Ahammed declared a state of emergency and ousted the constitutional government and created a state of anarchy on this day in 2007. They destroyed democracy and democratic values. The spirit of our liberation was the practice of democracy, establishment of human rights, rooting out all discriminations by a justice based society establishment ensuring the rights of votes and rice of people. Many of our freedom fighters sacrificed their lives by holding that spirit. But after 51 years of independence, our dreams remain dreams. The pro-independence government established BaKSAL destroying democracy and banning all political parties. They banned all newspapers except 4 state-owned newspapers. Then they killed political opponents at broad day light. They beat all types of cruelties and brutalities in the history,” professor Mujibur Rahman added.
“The Awami BaKSAL supporters created anarchies all over the country alleging the party affiliation against the prospective chief of caretaker government. Then, the army supported government declared a state of emergency in the country. They sent the elder politicians to prison and started unbridled corruption. Then, they brought Awami League to power for their safe exit. Democracy and democratic values have been destroyed again in 2014 through a fake and one-party election. People come to the streets to restore democracy and democratic values in the country,” he added.
“Awami League do not believe in democracy and democratic values. They established BaKSAL in 1975 in the country. They established an unelected government by 1/11 and destroyed democracy. They demanded the state of emergency government was the result of their movement. They cancelled the unanimous caretaker government system by their physical power and then, arranged an election of farce,” he further added.
Then, he pointing out the arrest of Jamaat Ameer and said all political parties have been allowed to hold mass procession but Jamaat not.
“Jamaat-e-Islami has been working relentlessly to establish the laws of Allah and the rules of honest persons in this land. It is the laws of Allah which is able to solve all types of problems. The works of the Islamic government are to establish prayer, pay zakat, enjoin good deeds and forbid bad deeds. The state is not performing these deeds as the justice is not established in the state. There is no alternative but establishing a welfare state instead of current state system,” he also added.
He demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all national leaders and activists including Jamaat Ameer Shafiqur Rahman to the government avoiding the politics of revenge.
“The rulers do not believe in democracy and democratic values. From 1972 to 1975, 1996 to 2001 and from 2008 to the present time, they did not take any effective steps to protect the fundamentality of the state, independence-sovereignty and state integrity. They have not taken any strong action to stop border killing including Felani but created division instead of unity among the nation,” Selim Uddin added as the president of the discussion meeting.
All should be united to oust this failed and oppressive government. He also urged all to establish caretaker and people’s government under the banner of Jamaat.