Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Dhaka City North Ameer and member of central executive council Mohammad Selim Uddin urges all to work together for the establishment of a welfare society by reflecting the true teachings of the Holy Eid-al-Adha in the glory of sacrifice. Jamaat Dhaka City North Ameer today issues these in a message of greetings to the city dwellers on the occasion of the Holy Eid-al-Adha.
“Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), the father of Muslim nation tried to sacrifise his beloved son Hazrat Ismail (AS) in obedience for the command of Allah (SW). By following that ideology, The Muslim Ummah has been observing the day as the Holy Eid-al-Adha. The real teaching of Eid-al-Adha is the proper obedience to Allah and the best sacrifice to the welfare of mankind. In fact, the real purpose of animal sacrifice is to control one’s own instincts,” he adds.
In The Holy Quran, Allah says, “Neither the blood nor the meat of the sacrificial animal reaches Allah but only your taqwa (fear of Allah) reaches.” “We all have to work together for the sake of humanity inspired by the teachings of sacrifice through self-formation and self-purification,” he again adds.
“The real lesson of Eid-al-Adha is to conquer animal instincts by imposing control over worldly greed and lust. The purpose of the Holy Eid-al-Adha is to achieve real welfare of mankind by establishing overall peace in the society and state by stopping injustice-untruth, violence-hatred, oppression-torture, division-conflict. Sacrifice is a good sign from Allah. The purpose of a believer’s life is to use that welfare properly,” he further adds.
“A devastating flood has visited Sylhet, Sunamganj and northern part of the country. As a result, the flood victims have become homeless. They have lost everything. The victims are leading inhuman lives under the open sky. We have to assist the flood victims according to our abilities inspired by the teachings of sacrifice. We have to share the joy of Eid-al-Adha with them. As a result, the Eid will be meaningful,” he also adds.
He urges the activists and leaders of all levels of the organization and the wealthy people of the society to assist the flood victims. He greets the joy of Eid to the city dwellers.