Lashkar Abdul Hai, freedom fighter, former police officer and father of Jamaat central Mojlish-e-Shura member Lashkar Muhammad Taslim, passed away at Kurmitola General Hospital at 9: 45am while undergoing treatment. (Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raziun). He had been suffering from various physical complications including old age disease for a long time. He was 93. He left behind 3 sons, 2 daughters and a host of relatives and well-wishers.
His namaj-e-janaja was held at Baishteg Jame Mosque after Johr prayer. Hundreds of people including Jamaat central nayeb-e-Ameer A N M Shamsul Islam, central working committee member and Dhaka City North unit’s nayeb-e-Ameer Abdur Rahman Musa, central Mojlish-e-Shura member and Dhaka City North unit’s assistant secretary Mahfuzur Rahman, Nazim Uddin Mollah, Dr Fakharuddin Manik, Dhaka City North unit’s working committee member Yeasin Arafat, Muhammad Ataur Rahman Sarker, Kafrul thana Ameer Rezaul Karim, Kafrul thana west Ameer Abdul Motin Khan, Bhasanteg thana Ameer Dr Ahasan Habib joined the janaja. Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami assistant secretary general Maulana Abdul Halim led the janaja.
Condolence message
Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami central executive member and Dhaka City North unit’s Ameer Mohammad Selim Uddin and central working committee member and Dhaka City North unit’s secretary Dr Muhammad Rezaul Karim expressed deep shock and sorrow at the death of Lashkar Abdul Hai.
Lashkar Abdul Hai was an honest and just government officer. He was a pious man too. He was one of the patrons of Islamic movement. We lost a dedicated soul at his death.
City leaders prayed to the court of Almighty Allah for eternal peace of the departed soul. They also conveyed sympathy to the bereaved family.